
Rakeback and Other Poker Bonuses

Rakeback is something that many players hear about but not so many know what it actually is. Simply put, rakeback is a way of poker rooms rewarding loyal players. Most poker rooms will take a small percentage of the pot in order to acquire money to keep the room running. This is called the rake…

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4 Essential Tips for Becoming a Professional Poker Player

You’ve been watching the tournaments on TV and playing a lot of poker with your friends, and maybe even winning at the casino tables. At this point, you’re thinking that you could be a professional poker player. If you’re thinking about going pro, it’s time to consider a few very important things. How Often Do…

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Starting off on a Winning Note

There is a first time for everything. For beginners in betting, the most common factor is lost wagers. Beginners do manage to lose a huge amount of money because they make armature mistakes. There are ways through which veterans have managed to stay relatively off the losing streak, although every gambler has an off day…

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Det finns spel för alla

Spel kommer i sådan fantastisk variation att många menar att oavsett ens tycke och smak går det att hitta ett spel som man finner nöje i. Vad detta är kommer såklart vara väldigt personligt. Här tittar vi på några typer av spel som inte alltid faller in under mainstream gaming, åsikter varierar såklart, men som…

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Världens största e-sport tävlingar

E-sport håller snabbt på att bli en populär och viktig del av populärkulturen och lockar fler fans och deltagare varje år. Med prispengar som når upp till miljontals dollar, är konkurrensen hård och de idrottare som deltar är inte mindre passionerad än dem som deltar i fysiska sporter. Till e-sport räknas alla spel som spelas…

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Heta strategispel online

Strategispel har många olika former och dom flesta ser inte ut som de gamla Schack spelen. Dom kan löst placeras i tre olika kategorier: Real Time Strategy (RTS), Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA) och kort. RTS Blizzards Star Craft har dominerat RTS kategorin sedan sin introduktion 1998 och har samlat på sig ett passionerat följe…

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Making Money with Gaming

What better way is there to make a tidy sum of money than by playing the games that we all love? If you are one of the countless online gaming enthusiasts, you may have wondered if there is any way to earn a considerable income off of these platforms. Although it is highly unlikely that…

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Popular Online games

Games are penetrating popular culture like never before and are reaching new audiences in the ‘casual gamer’ demographic. With expanding network options and an emphasis on community, most games have an online component. Online games fall into three broad categories: mobile, computer and console. Mobile Games Mobile games dominate the casual gamer market. Games like…

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Small Games to Play Between E-Sport Matches

Do you find that you are a bit bored during any downtime when watching sports online? Does football halftime have you twiddling your thumbs? If so, you should be interested to know that there are a few quick games which are designed to keep you entertained until your game resumes to live play. What are…

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Starcraft 2 in the E-Sport Arena

Competitive play started with StarCraft when it was released in 1998, but then exploded when the long anticipated sequel, StarCraft 2, was released worldwide in 2010. StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty was released by Blizzard Entertainment as part of a three phase deployment, the second in the series, StarCraft: Heart of the Swarm, was released…

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